What: The Perseid Meteor Shower, a prolific meteor shower popularly known as "Tears of St. Lawrence".
When: This year, its peak will be on August 12-13. Meteors would be observed starting on August 12 at around 11.30pm (Philippine Standard Time) growing more spectacular in the early morning hours of August 13, 2011.
Where: At the constellation Perseus, rising in the northeast sky.
The Perseid Meteor Shower is associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. Every August, it provides a marvelous display of shooting stars and this has been occurring for more than 2,000 years.
This year, the full moon on August 13 will brighten up the night sky and would somewhat limit the visibility of the Meteors.
UPLB AstroSoc will be observing at the Freedom Park tomorrow night and everyone is welcome to join us.
*This is just a mere observation of the Meteor Shower. This is not an official event of the Organization.